Tuesday 31 January 2012

Tippecanoe and Politico too

This was on Politico.com the other day: President John Tyler’s grandchildren still alive. Apparently, there are two living grandchildren of the 10th President, John Tyler. (You know, William Henry Harrison’s running mate? Labelled ‘His Accidency’ by detractors when he succeeded to the highest office? Annexed Texas? Got elected to the Confederate Congress? Yes, that guy!) Turns out that Tyler had fifteen children, one of whom, born in 1853, had two children in 1924 and 1928, who are still around. The fact that they are alive is apparently enough subject matter for an entire article.

It gets better: Politico followed up the next day with an article quoting the one born in 1928, who was asked to weigh in on the whole Romney-Gingrich primary nomination thingy. He calls Newt a “big jerk” who “needs to stick with the same wife”, calls himself a conservative, and disses President Obama for “taking it away from those that have.” He praises Mitt Romney’s business credentials, and appears to be leaning towards him, although stating that he is undecided. Congratulations, Mitt. You win the crucial ‘grandchildren of dead nineteenth century presidents’ demographic.

Yes, days away from the Florida Primary, and we are all on the edge of our seats wanting to know what the eighty-four year-old descendant of a President who consistently appears at the bottom of lists of greatest Presidents thinks about the Republican nomination.

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