Thursday 26 January 2012

Just when we thought Australian politics was boring...

 This happens. What annoys me is the comments by a founder of the Tent Embassy, who reacts to a remark by Tony Abbott saying that the embassy is no longer relevant, and instead of rolling his eyes and thinking ‘there goes the Mad Monk again’ (as I did), he calls it “inciting racial riots.” Overreact much? Abbott’s assertion that indigenous Australians have few problems was stupid (as is everything that comes out of the mouth of the Santorum of the Antipodes), but the protestors are attacking him for questioning the existence of their precious embassy, not for his nonchalance about the continued third-world living conditions in remote Aboriginal communities. The result of today’s incident will be no improvement in the lives of indigenous Australians, while the twisting of Abbott’s words (“probably time to move on” was heard as wanting to “tear down the embassy” by the idiot quoted in the linked ABC article) will give the right-wing culture warriors more ridiculous talking points. Andrew Bolt in particular will just love this. Well done, idiots.

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